And The Show Goes On….
Exciting news! The Ave We Had history project will be continuing on into phase two.
We were recently accepted for a generous grant from the Avenue Revitalization Initiative. The grant is to go towards developing a historic walking tour in the Southwest of the Alberta Avenue neighbourhood.

Core area for walking tour
The intention with this project is to develop a historical walking tour for the Alberta Avenue area. The walking tour will be different from typical walking tours in that it will seek to bring the social aspect, rather than solely the dates and architectural characteristics of the area’s history to participants. In order to do this, the walking tour will use a collection of digital, print and physical mediums to guide the participant through the area.
Developing a tour gives us an opportunity to connect to the places we live in a more personal way, rather than hearing and reading about it from a distance we will have the opportunity to bring the stories to the places where they were born and where they continue to exist in the fabric of our neighbourhood.
If you’re interested in getting involved in anyway, as a contributor or volunteer, we would love to hear from you!