Burns Meat Packing Plant

Myhre’s Music

Alberta Avenue Community League
League Founded: 1922 First President: H. Clarke In 1894, a two block area on what is now 118th Avenue, between 90th and 92nd Streets, was cleared of bush and subdivided. The area was called Fairview and was a part of North Edmonton Village until 1912 when it was amalgamated with Edmonton. H.A. Gray School was…Norwood Foundry
91 Street and 111 Avenue Norwood Foundry was established in 1922 by Squire Hearn and many of his colleagues who came from the recently closed-down Western Foundry. Five years later, Hearn sold the operation to Ernest Buker, who ran Norwood for 50 years. In the early years most of the work was oriented toward agricultural…Cromdale Hotel